Remembering our Role in the Interconnections of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Web


By Decolonizing the Heart & Mind


Who this is for

Decolonize the Heart and Mind is coaching for those who see themselves as a part of this evolution of human consciousness but are not sure how to get beyond their programming and habitual behavior to access the magic and medicine that they have to share with the world.

For many, traditional therapy just doesn't click. Sometimes folx need more intensive guidance in a container where they can focus on uprooting and transforming habitual beliefs and behaviors through mental, emotional, embodied, and spiritual methodologies. My work combines ancient wisdom technologies, Shadow work, and contemporary science to help you access the infinite wisdom of the Heart.

What I do

I help folx strengthen the heart - mind connection so you can tap into higher wisdom. Specifically, I provide tools and practices for physical, mental, and spiritual alchemy so you can recognize the bigger picture, see through the fog of faulty assumptions, and transform your life or organization by creating from the authentic self. You develop the tools to liberate yourself from your perceived limitations and closed doors to one where you co-create the reality you want. I developed this program by combining elements of ancient wisdom, contemporary science (indigenous sciences + western science), and my experience with plant-based medicine.

Included in my program is a curriculum and practices to guide people to look at how colonization, White supremacy-based institutions, and the internalized White supremacy and stories we have created around colonization keeps us all imprisoned in a made-up societal thought structure that gets passed down consciously and subconsciously through intergenerational conditioning and epigenetic trauma. Through these structures we enact violence upon ourselves and others. This dominator culture programming propels our modern day samsara.

I center the Heart (the seat of wisdom) because a colonized mind can’t perceive of a world outside of itself. You can’t decolonize a colonized mind with the colonized mind. It can’t be undone intellectually. It is the Heart that must lead. And it’s time to design our individual and collective worlds beyond our internalized White-supremacy, dominator-cultures, and colonized minds - one that looks to ancient wisdom and indigeneity to guide us back to our seat within nature instead of outside of it - so that we can design with spirit. This all has to start on the inner plane otherwise we’re just designing from our habitual, colonized thoughts and imaginations.

I engage in this work with 1-on-1 clients, groups, and companies/organizations to challenge themselves to question and reimagine their personal story, our collective story, and a new world. 


Curriculum Offerings:

1-on-1 Work

$175 per hour session

$250 per 90 min session

  • Intuitive advisor

  • Explore Life Assumptions that are holding you back and affecting your behaviors

  • Cultivate awareness of how your programming (including the colonized mind) runs your life

  • Discover your fractal pattern & life curriculum

  • Map Intentions & manifestations

  • Detangle your body-mind-soul of colonial frameworks

  • Discern inner guidance from fear - Fear vs Intuition

  • Assist in Ayahuasca ceremony preparation and integration

  • Provide life toolbox & practices

  • Reseed your connection with Mother Earth and the Cosmic Web

    *Mentoring available for plant-medicine integration coaches and practioners

Workshops & Seminars

(enquire for rate)

  • Decolonize the Heart and Mind Workshop

    • The Science of Oppression

    • The Colonized Mind: How did we get here?

    • Practices and Meditations Healing Personal, Intergenerational, and Ancestral Wounds of White Supremacy and Colonization

  • Assist in Ayahuasca ceremony preparation and integration

  • The Colonized Mind & Education

  • The Mind, Quantum Biology, Health, & Performance

  • Cosmic Science curriculum development

  • Design Thinking Beyond the Colonized Mind

Groups & Organizations

(enquire for rate)

  • Executive Coaching Program

  • Collaborator/Thought Partner

  • Design Thinking Beyond the Colonized Mind

  • Work with organizations and individuals within organizations to enhance collective performance

  • Any combination of workshop modules from workshop list or work with me to customize specifically for the the needs of your organization

  • Decolonize your Heart & Mind retreat (location & date TBA)